20 Sep 2023

Spray foam insulation is one insulation option that is growing in popularity. According to The Eco Experts, spray foam, once sprayed into a location, will expand to about 30 times its size. This creates a solid layer of insulation. There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding spray foam insulation, though. We’ll help clear up some of these myths below.

Spray Foam Isn’t as Effective as Other Insulation Types

Some people put more trust in older methods of home insulation. Before spray foam insulation was invented, the most common way to insulate a home was with fiberglass. Despite being around longer, fiberglass insulation isn’t necessarily better. In our experience, spray foam insulation is more efficient.

Spray Foam Can Ruin Shingles

Some people opt to add spray foam insulation to the roof deck of their home. The idea that the spray foam will ruin shingles is a myth. In fact, the insulation will act as a barrier between the roof deck and the shingles. The idea that spray foam ruins shingles comes from the idea that if there is insulation in a sealed attic system, it will make the roof temperature rise too high on warm days. This heat is thought to ruin shingles. The temperatures needed to ruin your shingles, though, would need to be much higher. You can discuss this in more detail with spray foam insulation companies in your area.

Spray Foam Smells Bad for Years

If you are hiring spray foam insulation companies to work on adding insulation to your home, you will need to ask a lot of questions concerning what product is being used. Quality spray foam insulation will have little to no odor. If odors are a concern for you, be sure to talk with spray foam insulation companies in your area, to find a company that uses products you approve of.

Spray Foam Is a Bad Investment

Spray foam insulation is a very durable type of product. When you invest in spray foam, you can rest assured that you won’t need to redo insulation for years to come. You can talk with insulation professionals in your area to find out which types of insulation will fit your budget best.

If you are in need of an insulation application, please contact Idaho Insulation today. We are here for all of your insulation needs.