16 Nov 2023

When you think about saving money do you think about spray foam insulation contractors? Probably not, but you should. When it comes to home improvement projects that offer short-term and long-term financial benefits, few can match the advantages of installing insulation.

Short-Term Savings

Just about any home can be retrofitted with spray foam insulation. Unlike traditional insulation, spray foam insulation expands to fill the space it’s in. This quick installation process means fewer labor costs. The short-term savings of investing in insulation are evident right away. Depending on the type of spray foam insulation you get, the cost per square foot may be less than traditional fiberglass insulation as well. You should always get a price estimate from your local spray foam insulation contractors.

Long-Term Savings

Your energy savings will continue long after the project is complete. Spray foam insulation is an energy-efficient product. Properly insulated homes require less heating in the winter and less cooling in the summer, resulting in lower utility bills. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, you can easily save 10 to 20% on energy bills by insulating your house. You will also immediately start enjoying a much more comfortable home environment. Insulation helps maintain a more consistent indoor temperature throughout the year.

Insulation contributes to the longevity of your home’s systems. By reducing the strain on your heating and cooling equipment, you’ll extend the lifespan of your heating and cooling system. This will reduce the need for costly repairs or replacements. Your HVAC equipment is better protected when your home is well insulated which can result in significant savings.

Other Potential Savings

Proper insulation installed by spray foam insulation contractors can help regulate indoor humidity levels and prevent moisture-related issues like mold and mildew. Mold and mildew can cause serious damage to your home that is expensive to repair. Of course, mold is also a health risk. A well-insulated home promotes a healthier living environment.

New insulation also adds value to your property. Well-insulated homes are increasingly attractive to potential buyers. When it’s time to sell your property, you can expect a higher resale value due to its improved energy efficiency and overall comfort.

The initial cost of insulating your home comes with a great return on your investment. Insulation not only reduces your energy bills but also offers long-term savings. Call Idaho Insulation today to connect with our spray insulation contractors.